Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What is it again? It's been so long since I had any I have forgotten exactly what it is.. 
Is it something I am suppose to have to use against:

my time on the internet?? 
My Tongue??

I seriously have no idea where it went.. How it went.. And if it ever plans on returning.. Maybe I should write it a  letter or better yet an email...  Do a search for it on Facebook? Hmmm.. 

Did I give up on it or did it give up on me?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Snippety Snip..

I think the last time the boys got their hair cut was before Christmas.. Things have been so crazy busy around here with snow days, homeschooling, dentists appointments, the flu, my back going out, and a handful of other things that I really didn't realize how out of control it was until one night after they all had a shower and decided to spike it up..

I usually cut all of their hair along with the neighbor boys but today I was just not in the mood to wear the "Hair Stylist" hat.. 

So off to the Barber we went.. 

(they all got to pick out colored hair gel to spike up the front)

In fact after taking them all to the barber, I think I might just throw that "stylist" hat out the window and let the wicked Kodiak wind take it to Russia.. (cause' I can see it from my front window ya' know) *wink* *wink* 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Is it really already March? Do you know what this means!!!! We have been here almost ONE FULL YEAR!!! (picture me doing the happy dance) This means we only have 2 years LEFT!!!! How is it- that things can pass so quickly, but at the same time feel like they have taken forever to get through? Don't get me wrong, Kodiak and I have this whole love/hate relationship going on.. Most days I am awestruck at the beauty of it all and thanking God for the opportunity to live here, and then some days I think "I need to contact Nasa and explain to them that there is a BLACK HOLE here on earth and it's called Kodiak."

But really that is soooo NOT what this blog is about.. This blog is to update you on all the things that have taken place in the last month or so. 

So I will start with-

Seeing The Dentist

I missed my oppurtunity to get a shot of "Moe" and the hip 80's inspired shades..  

However, "Moe" and I did fly over to Anchorage to see the Orthodontist a couple weeks after visiting the dentist and he got BRACES!
(only on the top row)

and of course we got some more snow..

Ohhh, did I mention we got some snow? Then we had a string of birthdays..  Tradition in our house is to let who ever is having the birthday pick out whatever they want for dinner and what ever type of cake they want as well.. 

First Came "Curly's".. He turned SEVEN! (and had the flu)
He requested ABC soup and Strawberry Pizza.. 

Then 2 days later-

Daddy turned the BIG 2-9!!!
He requested Whiskey Marinaded Steak and "Better than Pumpkin Pie" cake.. 

2 weeks later-

"Moe" turned NINE!!!
He requested Homemade Mac and Cheese and a Huge Chocolate Chip Cookie with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream.. 
And now that I have been collectively adding to this post for the past 3 weeks.. I think I will finally post it so you all can see that we are very much well and happy.. And a few of us are now a year older... Wiser is questionable... :P