Journal: I journal every night. Usually it's my prayer requests, or it's a scripture verse that I have read in my bible that spoke volumes for one reason or another- sometimes it's just a run down of my day. It's neat to go back and re-read entries and see how the Lord answered prayers, walked me through a time I thought was one of the worst moments EVER, sometimes giving me the occasional reminder of what I need to still pray for that He hasn't already worked out
yet. I love to journal. And I am very thankful for one VERY special young woman, not mentioning names (LIBBY) for making it for me. :P
Holy Bible: Really what else can I say besides- I would be soooo very lost, bitter, and alone with out the Word Of God to inspire, encourage and rebuke my sinful self. If I am too tired to read anything else on my night stand I try to at least read one chapter out of the most important book laying next to my bed, the WORD!
Grace for the Moment: When my Grandmother was diagnosed with cancer I flew down from our last duty station so she could meet Ian, He was 2 1/2 months old. She was in so much pain, and Hospice kept her pretty well medicated, but one of my Aunts had brought over this book and left it. So I read it to my Grandmother every day while I was there. She would go on and on about how she could hear Jesus calling her home. Those moments were bittersweet, I selfishly wanted her to stay here with me on this earth but I knew Jesus was calling her home. Although Lucado has made other series to this devotion, I re-read this one every year. If there was a fire, this would be one of the things I would grab (besides my children, bible, photos, wedding ring, and dog) And NO that was not in particular order!
Jesus Calling: A devotion my mom bought me a couple years ago that I fell in love with. The author speaks her perception of particular verses- showing us how the word teaches us how to deal with day to day worldly struggles. It brings encouragement and humbleness, two things every one in this life should have.
LIP BALM: Yes, I know it's not a book. But it's part of my nightly routine. It rocks!
Nourishing Traditions: Just got this one a couple days ago and am still reading the first chapter. But the more I read the more I realize how much I DISLIKE THE FDA, USDA, and POLITICS!
Created To Be His Help Meet: I've had this in my Amazon shopping cart "Purchase Later" for over 4 years. And I finally broke down and bought it. This book is like a big fat steak, I have to take really small bites and chew thoroughly. :)
The Well Trained Mind: I flip through this one on nights that I have had a really ruff day homeschooling. Or I need to re-focus my planning, thinking, or direction. Great Resource for Homeschoolin' Mamas..
Creative Correction: Hilarious, makes you feel like you are not the only mom in the world with "issues" and she gives very helpful tips on creatively correcting in a God honoring way. :)
Shepherding a Child's Heart: This one I bought a while back and it's one that I keep passing over. I have read the first chapter, ummm, I am pretty sure 3 times now. I guess it's because I read "Don't make me count to Three" first and that book is kinda like the "How To" of this book.
Sacred Marriage: About four years ago I started reading this book out loud to Dale. Even though we have most likely read through it several times now, we still enjoy picking a chapter out here and there and reading it to each other. We have learned so much about how God designed a marriage to work through trial and error AND reading this book... If you are married did you know that you are married to God's son or daughter. Would you talk to God in the same manner you talk to your spouse? When I first read that line it was like a sock to the stomach and still is a very good reminder in how I am to treat God's son. Right above this book is the devotion. We usually read this in the morning together to start our day. We also read Devotions for Sacred Parenting.
From Belly Fat to Belly Flat: Seriously I just bought this book 2 days ago and I am on the last chapter. WEALTH of knowledge!!! It covers why we crave certain things, how our cells change as we age, how our hormones play a huge roll in getting a pot belly and most importantly how to fix the belly bump and maintain balance in our body. Also talks about poison food we put in our bodies that make our hormones go on the fritz.
Don't Make Me Count To Three: If I could afford it I would buy this book for every friend with children under the age of 18. I only wish I had read this years ago. Where were you then Stacy??? :P (She is the one who let me borrow it.) I had to go and buy my own copy so I could continue to go back and read it, highlight in it, and underline key points. Along with the Wise Words for Moms. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING... Wait did I say AMAZING because seriously it is A M A Z I N G!!! If you don't own a copy, NO you can not borrow mine, you MUST go buy your own copy off Amazon RIGHT NOW!!! Stop reading. Seriously.. Go.. Buy.. It!!
A Boy No More: A book that Caleb and I read this past year during quiet time and now I am reading it again with Shane. I will most likely read it with Ian too. It's a great book to introduce your kids to Pearl Harbor. It gets them asking questions about History and that tragic day.
Kleenex Box: Removes the residue off my finger from my Burt's Bee lip balm, removes smudged eye makeup, boogers and tears... If you tear off little pieces- it stops the bleeding from the massive zit you said you were not going to squeeze one more time to just make sure you got all the puss out.. haha.. TMI?? Just tryin' to keep it real.. :P