Day 16: Life Savers to the Life Guards
Sometimes ordinary people do extraordinary things- Like Save Lives! Luckily for us, we have never had a moment that needed the services of a Life Guard. But as a mom to almost 5 kids, its impossible to have eyes on all my chitlins at the same time. I take comfort in knowing there are paid life guards when we head to the pool- Just in case!
Yesterday, the older boys went swimming while I stayed home to rest. No issues arose that needed the life guard on duty to administer services. But that got me thinking. How many times I wonder do they get a THANK YOU?!
How many times have I thanked them. Yes, it is their paid job to guard the pool. But seriously, I have seen a LOT of mom's and kids get down right nasty with the life guards because of a whistle being blown for safety precautions. I have seen a lot of parents get irate with life guards for their kids wrong doings.
So this act was simple. But I think equally important.
Everyone likes to hear that they are appreciated. That what they do matters. I told the boys that I hope they remembered this act when they were old enough to hold a job. Maybe one day they would become life guards? And they would have to deal with grumpy people throughout their work day. I asked them if they'd like kids to do the same to them some day. They all agreed they would.
The inside of our card said-
"Thank You for always being ready to SAVE a LIFE! You truly are LIFE SAVERS! "
Finding THANKS in GIVING for this act was really a no brainer. :)