Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3: Mow a neighbors yard.

OK.. Before I give the details of our *Finding THANKS in GIVING* act of the day I want to speak something from the heart. When our family decided to start this new tradition it wasn't to hear "Atta' Boys!" or to toot our own horn by posting it to my blog. Since starting, I've prayed every morning that God would give me a peace in sharing this with you all.

In Matthew 6:3 it says- "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." 

By sharing with all of you on a daily basis, I questioned whether or not I was honoring the Lord.  Like I said on Day 1- our family was sinking- into a deep black hole of negativity..  Doing these acts of service is a blessing to others, but Dale and I's main goal in all of this is to-

A) change our families outlook, to allow our kids to SEE and FEEL just how very BLESSED we are.
B) to lead by example and SHOW our boys what it looks like to serve without expecting a thing in return. To BE the hands and feet of Jesus.. Things like that I believe are "Caught not taught!" :)

With that being said, I hope you know our hearts. I know Jesus does. And this morning, after I prayed I felt peace in continuing to share with all of you. Maybe it will inspire, encourage and provoke someone out there to be thankful in all things, my goal for us as well. Or help wash away bitterness in a person that thought it was too late for a heart change?  Maybe someone else is struggling and they need to see that giving to others is one crazy feel good drug that can lift spirits.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
-2 Corinthians 9:7

Day 3: Help someone with yard work.

Today it is HOT. The last thing the boys wanted to do was yard work. Especially for FREE and on someone else's yard. Caleb, our oldest surprisingly gave us the most flack about finding thanks in giving. Allowing for another learning lesson..

We reminded him, along with his brothers, that they had legs, arms and the physical strength to operate  a lawn mower, use a weed wacker, and push a broom. Our family was blessed enough to afford these luxuries. They had a father to go along side them and teach them a skill that many kids their age never get to do. All things to be THANKFUL for.

We shared the 2 Corinthian verse with them.

We explained we were not trying to guilt or force them into doing an act of service, merely trying to teach them to view this precious life God has given us as a blessing, regardless of the circumstances. If their hearts were not in it for the right reasons, we told them they should not participate because that would mean they were missing the point in this Finding THANKS in GIVING act.

I went into the kitchen to prepare lunch, Dale went outside to prepare the mower. And low and behold, our boys came down with work clothes on and SMILES across their faces.

Caleb explained his hesitation earlier was because he felt shy going to mow a neighbors yard. What would they think? How would they react? We explained this particular neighbor was out of town and how pleased this single woman would be coming home to a yard already mowed, meaning she wouldn't have to do it herself or pay someone to do it. It would be like a surprise present.. Who doesn't love unexpected surprise presents..  With that- they were off, finding THANKS in GIVING..



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